How We Treat

Most patients don’t think of themselves as having make-it-or-break-it responsibilities in treatment. They think, “My therapist is going to figure me out and get me better.” But the truth is that effective therapy is a team effort. That’s right: at Kentuckiana Treatment Center for Anxiety & OCD, you have an important role to play in the process of getting better from an anxiety disorder. Contact us at (270) 238-3566 to learn more about the process. We serve clients in Kentucky and Indiana.

Achieving Effective Therapy Together

Let’s suppose you see your doctor for severe cold-like symptoms. After examination, she diagnoses you with a sinus infection and writes you a prescription. Does that mean that you’re going to get better?

Well, you still have to take your prescription to the pharmacist and pay for your medicine. You still have to take your medicine as prescribed until the prescription is completed. Your doctor may be absolutely right in her diagnosis and prescription, but you have an important role to play. And you’re likely not going to get much better unless you do what you’re supposed to do, too. Effective therapy is a team effort.

Kentuckiana offers effective anxiety and OCD treament solutions in Kentucky and Indiana.

Don’t Cut Corners in Treatment

Over many hundreds of anxiety cases across the years, we’ve found that some people don’t follow treatment protocol. They cut corners and leave some parts of the structured process undone. As a result, they don’t respond as well to treatment as the people who do what they’re supposed to do to get better. We don’t want that to be you.

5 Pillars of Evidence-Based Treatment

We’ve listed for you five pillars of evidence-based treatment for anxiety disorders and OCD. We’ll walk through your treatment process together. But we can’t do your part for you. That’s because effective therapy is a team effort.

  1. Attend sessions weekly.
  2. Complete exposure-related exercises as assigned by your therapist.
  3. Use cognitive therapy techniques that focus on the uncertainty of the future.
  4. Look for and identify anxiety-managing behaviors.
  5. Stop them.
Kentuckiana treats anxiety and OCD related disorders using evidence-based methods in Kentucky and Indiana.

Experience Evidence-Based Therapies

Discover effective treatment for anxiety and OCD with proven methods.

Why Don’t We Do “Talk Therapy?”

The modern concept of talk therapy comes from Sigmund Freud’s psychodynamic theory: the “Talking Cure.” The belief, broadly speaking, was that symptoms of psychopathology resulted from unconscious conflicts or childhood wounds. It was thought that talking through these wounds would resolve them and any associated pathologic symptoms. The trouble is that today the vast majority of the outcome data points in a quite different direction.

Past-Focused Present-Focused

Many successful modern treatments for anxiety-related conditions (including those for PTSD and OCD) are switching from a past-based focus to a present-based focus. We want to understand why your symptoms are severe right now.

Cognitive therapy is based upon the idea of the Cognitive Model, a very simple concept that proposes that the way people think influences the way they feel and behave. And the way they repeatedly behave reinforces the ways they think and feel in the situations that they face.

What we’ve found is that people have a lot more power over their anxiety symptoms than they think they do.

So, at Kentuckiana Treatment Center for Anxiety & OCD, we teach our patients to focus on where they have control — behavior change. Because changing anxiety-related behaviors will necessarily, and correspondingly, mean changing anxiety-related thoughts and feelings. This is what Victor Meyer demonstrated in his 1966 study. His language was a little technical, but the punchline was that when participants consistently prevented their compulsions, or as he called them, “obsessional rituals,” their symptoms began to unravel, and their OCD fell apart. For the first time in history, people suffering from severe anxiety disorders and OCD made measurable and predictable progress.

Why Choose Us

We get results — even for patients who’ve been in treatment for years.

We use evidence-based ERP treatment; most other therapists use talk therapy.

We teach you how to stop rumination, problematic behavior, and compulsion.

Our patients get better faster and usually stay better.

Your Path to Better Health Begins Here

This can be your story too. When you do your part, your thoughts, feelings, and behavior all line up and put you on the path to better health. Let’s start today. Contact Kentuckiana Treatment Center for Anxiety & OCD at (270) 238-3566. We serve clients in Kentucky and Indiana.

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